Roots and Seeds

Roots to Seeds: 400 Years of Oxford Botany

Seventeenth-century herbals, pristine garden plans, plant models and numerous fossil slides,  all encompass the story of botanical science in Oxford and the devoted botanists who dedicated their life to the essential study of plants.

« Since 1621, and the foundation of the Oxford Botanic Garden, Oxford has built up an outstanding collection of plant specimens, botanical illustrations and rare books on plant classification, collecting and plant biology. These archives, and the living plants in the Garden, are integral to the study of botany in the University. The Curator of the Oxford University Herbaria, Prof Stephen Harris, is the curator of the Roots to Seeds exhibition at the Bodleian’s Weston Library to celebrate the 400th Anniversary of botany at Oxford and will be joined at this event by Sir Paul Nurse, geneticist and Noble Prize-winner for a fascinating and illuminating discussion about the important role plant science has played in our past and will continue to play in our future ». (Bodleian Libraries)