3R Viewpick September / October 2013

baer1Russian economy is in need of confidence and structural reforms are still on stand by, while Eastern Europe’s markets are recovering. Each investor has in mind a setting of values which his assets can benefit from. Choices and the quality and content of every anticipated jugements therefore matter: talking about sustainable investments. After spending research time in Finland, especially in the Barents Region, the competition for  new business in the Arctic will be arbitrated by not to be neglected sustainability criteria.
We confront the same question very often. Is Ethical investment a new shape of the modern investment world? Engaging sustainable investments to  good return work is not recent but has a long history, which began with Charity Funds. John Calvin in Geneva was one of the best experts of his time. It is high time to talk about charity and sustainable investments.
When debris violins pull at heartstrings it must be somewhere in Japan, and by the trees washed away by the tsunami, it is about the forthcoming of  a “cradle to cradle”-principle.
Enjoy the reading of our latest viewpick.

Best autumn greetings,
Eleni Regli

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